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Pastor Jerry P. Harrell is the Pastor / Founder of Abundant Life Christian Ministry, located in Decatur, Ga.  Jerry is the husband of Brenda Harrell, his wife of thirty years. Jerry has two sons, two daughters, a host of grandkids, and spiritual sons and daughters, who all call him "Papa."


Jerry is diligent and faithful in the study of God's word and is called "The Professor" by his presiding Bishop. People that know Jerry outside of the church are always surprised to find this easy-going, laid-back, and soft spoken man transformed in his preaching, to a fireball, by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Jerry authored his first book, "It Took A Cross To Raise Me" a short time ago, and is now rejoicing in the release of his second book, "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants."


Both books are from the heart of the author, because Jerry is a man that loves God, and Loves all people, and is always encouraging everyone to be their very best at whatever they aspire to do.

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